$ mynt [-l {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR} | -q | -v] [-V] {gen,init,serve,watch}

The main command provided by mynt.


Sets mynt's log level.


Sets mynt's log level to ERROR.


Sets mynt's log level to DEBUG.


Prints mynt's version and exits.


The available subcommands.

$ mynt gen [-d | -f] [--base-url BASE_URL] [--locale LOCALE] [source] destination

Generates a mynt site.


Forces generation by deleting the destination if it exists.

If the destination exists and this flag is passed, mynt will delete the destination.


Forces generation by emptying the destination if it exists.

If the destination exists and this flag is passed, mynt will delete any directory or file at the root of the destination that doesn't begin with an underscore or period.

--base-url BASE_URL
Sets the site's base URL overriding the configuration setting.
--locale LOCALE
Sets the locale used by the renderer.

The directory mynt looks in for source files.

If not supplied, the current directory is used.

The directory mynt outputs to.
$ mynt init [-d] [-t THEME] [--bare] destination

Initializes a new mynt site.


Forces initialization by deleting the destination if it exists.

If the destination exists and this flag is passed, mynt will delete the destination.

--theme THEME
Sets which theme will be used.
Initializes a new site without using a theme.
The directory mynt outputs to.
$ mynt serve [-p PORT] [--base-url BASE_URL] [source]

Launches a local test server for displaying a generated mynt site.

This subcommand should not be used to publicly host a site. It should only be used for local development and testing.

--port PORT
Sets the port used by the server.
--base-url BASE_URL
Sets the site's base URL overriding the configuration setting.

The directory mynt will serve.

If not supplied, the current directory is used.

$ mynt watch [-f] [--base-url BASE_URL] [--locale LOCALE] [source] destination

Watches a mynt site and automatically regenerates it when changes are made.


Forces watching by emptying the destination every time a change is made if it exists.

If the destination exists and this flag is passed, every time a change is made mynt will delete any directory or file at the root of the destination that doesn't begin with an underscore or period.

--base-url BASE_URL
Sets the site's base URL overriding the configuration setting.
--locale LOCALE
Sets the locale used by the renderer.

The directory mynt looks in for source files.

If not supplied, the current directory is used.

The directory mynt outputs to.
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