This page is a comprehensive list of all user-visible changes between versions. If you are upgrading be sure to check out the upgrading page for any backwards incompatible changes.

v0.4 (May 18th, 2020)

v0.3.1 (August 20th, 2014)

v0.3 (July 27th, 2014)

v0.2.3 (June 13th, 2013)

v0.2.2 (April 11th, 2012)

v0.2.1 (March 20th, 2012)

v0.2 (March 20th, 2012)

v0.1.9 (March 12th, 2012)

v0.1.8 (February 8th, 2012)

v0.1.7 (January 30th, 2012)

v0.1.6 (January 25th, 2012)

v0.1.5 (January 25th, 2012)

v0.1.4 (January 2nd, 2012)

v0.1.3 (January 2nd, 2012)

v0.1.2 (December 27th, 2011)

v0.1.1 (December 4th, 2011)

v0.1 (December 4th, 2011)

Initial release.

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